Increasing inequalities and the wage gap among young women in Ecuador Increasing inequalities and the wage gap among young women in Ecuador

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Jonathan Bladimir Zhiminaicela-Cabrera
José Roberto Ruiz-Blum
Andrea Izamar Quiñonez-Quiñonez
Thalia Beatriz Pineda-Lòpez
Luis Lenin Chuquisala-Chávez


COVID-19, unemployment, youth, social inequality, labour economics, sexual division of labour


The global Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated inequalities and the wage gap. In this sense, we plan to assess the increase in inequalities and the wage gap among young women in Ecuador during the pandemic. Through the processing of information obtained from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) survey database. To estimate this problem, a descriptive statistical study method was used, using tables and data visualisation. Under this consideration, an effective comparison was conceptualised between young men and women between 18 and 29 years of age in the cities of Guayaquil, Quito, Loja and Machala, during the months of May to June and August to September, taking into account their change in employment status, the decrease in income and the increase in household burdens, based on the sexual division of labour. Thus, the increase in the increase of household activities in young Ecuadorian women was evidenced, as well as a greater loss of employment compared to the male population surveyed.

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